Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ginger and it's Magic Healing Powers


Ginger is one of those underrated magic foods that is only thought of for its banging flavour and robust smell. Little known is the fact that ginger is an amazing superfood with astonishing healing power. As a kid i was hardly given medication, i was brought up on lemon, ginger and honey teas. Telling people this generally causes one of their eyebrows to raise but after a bit of research i have found out that my mother most definitely did the right thing, a tradition i will be continuing. Out of the never ending list of benefits i have chosen the top 5 that i believe are the most important, read on and be prepared to be amazed….


We know antioxidants are important in our diet and good for us but how many of us know what they actually do? And how many of us know that the oxygen we breath in is not all its cracked up to be? ‘Free radicals’ are a byproduct created in our bodies by the oxygen we breath in and although they are essential in the daily running of our bodies, over time a build up is created which is said to kickstart the ageing process. This buildup is linked to heart disease, liver disease and a number of cancers which can cause irreversible damage. Thats where antioxidants come in, what they do is help with the prevention of free radicals and minimise the damage caused over time keeping you as young as possible! Ginger is a fantastic source of antioxidants, although there is increasing evidence that ginger in tablet form is not so good and can actually increase the risk of cancer. So keep it fresh and start consuming it from early life for it to be extra effective.


Don’t you just hate those headaches that sneak up on you? Or waking up stiff in the mornings? One of gingers magic healing powers is its ability to alleviate headaches and assist in the treatment of back pain, menstrual pain, arthritis and joint pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties help relax aching muscles and is comparable to anti-inflammatory drugs (without the side effects!!!), if its any way with this one, its definitely the natural way.


Detox, detox, detox. That word that some people love and others not so much. If you love ginger then you are in luck - it is great for detoxing! If you dont like it then maybe you should reconsider what your taste buds think…. Ginger stimulates the production of saliva, bile and gastric juices helping to clear out your system and allowing food to pass through more quickly and effectively. A great way to slim down and the best part is, its easy! Just add ginger to your diet through cooking or have a freshly chopped ginger tea every day and whalah! Your detox is on. Just to add a few more to the list - Ginger also relieves heartburn, indigestion, bloating, flatulence and protects the stomach form ulcers.


One of the best known benefits of ginger is just that - treatment of the dreaded flu (as my mum clearly knows). Gingers antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic and pain relieving properties help with the prevention of colds and flues as well as the duration and severity of them. Say farewell to that dreaded fever, sore throat, congestion, runny nose and watery eyes!!


If you get motion sickness at all - either by boat or car - then you may have realised this one already. I don't suffer from it regularly so i was very surprised when i found out that ginger is an anti-nausea treatment. There are already ginger tablets out there for treatment of this ALTHOUGH, nothing beats the natural way and since there is increasing evidence against the tablets try and keep it fresh. But the magic doesn't stop there, Ginger also helps with morning sickness and with all the added benefits, it is a must!

Ginger is at the top of my hit list and i try to consume some everyday. Having trouble adding it into your diet? Both of my coffee brews contain plenty of ginger and are the perfect way to enjoy the benefits along with a great taste. Interested in trying some? Contact me at for more info.

Love Belle xx

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