Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ginger Oil

Ginger oil
Finding it hard to incorporate ginger into your diet? Why not try adding it into your olive oil? Here is an easy fantastic recipe you can use:
What you need:
  • 1 jar
  • olive oil
  • ginger root
How you do it:
  1. Slice the ginger, you are able to put as much or as little as you like depending on how strong you want the oil to be.
  2. Put the ginger slices into a jar and cover with olive oil. Please note that the jar needs to be completely dry, if any moisture is in there when the oil is infusing it will encourage mold/bacteria growth.
  3. Close the jar tightly and place on a sunny window sill.
  4. After about a week take the jar down and taste the oil, if it is not strong enough then place more ginger in it and sit back on the window sill for a few more days.
  5. When the flavour is to your liking, strain the ginger out of the oil and put the oil back in the jar. Label the jar and its all yours :)
This is perfect for salads and cooking. Enjoy!
Love Belle

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