Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spiced Coffee on a Stick

Depending on which side of the world you're on, you're either one step closer to summer or one step away. Down here in Australia the cold mornings are definitely setting in, although those hot afternoons are still here. I personally really enjoy my hot morning coffee which warms me up perfectly, what i enjoy more is using the remaining pot to set into icy poles for when i get home to cool down.

It is so so easy and requires minimal effort, just follow these few steps:
  1. When you're putting together your morning brew (I personally love my Persian brew) make some extra so there’s left overs.
  2. Add milk and honey to the mixture (really you can do it however you like; you could even add cocoa to the mix to have spiced mocha pops!).
  3. You don’t even need icy pole moulds for this one, just pour the mixture into a cup and add a stick or small spoon. Pop in the freezer in a spot where it will not be knocked over.
  4. By the afternoon it will be frozen into a nice icy pole for you to enjoy :)

If you want more information on my brews you can contact me at coffee@bellesbrews.com.
Love Belle xx
Love Drink Create

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